The newly formed Chorley and West Lancs Cricket Academy completed its first year of operation last month delivering more than 400 hours of cricket coaching activities to young players from the ages of 8 to 17. The Academy is a ‘not for profit organization set up by Mawdesley Cricket Club in 2020 to provide affordable high-quality coaching to aspiring junior cricketers from all clubs in the Chorley and West Lancashire areas.

Despite the disruption caused by Covid which resulted in the closure of school sports halls, over 300 youngsters have taken part in activities since the Academy started its work in October 2020. Martin Trengove the Chair of the Academy said “The first year has gone really well and exceeded our expectations and the feedback we have had back from the youngsters and parents has been so very positive. As well as all the benefits that the Academy’s coaches have provided to the children that have taken part, we have also been able to make significant financial contributions to both Clubs and organizations involved in running grassroots junior cricket in the area”.

As well as delivering an indoor Winter Development Coaching Programme, the Academy ran seven outdoor camps at cricket clubs in the Chorley and West Lancs areas over the summer. The Academy was able to provide more than £2000 back to the local Cricket Clubs who hosted Summer Camps and also an additional £700 in total was donated to the Cricket Development Groups in the Chorley and West Lancashire areas to help them run their 2021 District Cricket programs.

The Academy has just published its 2021/2022 Winter Coaching Programme and Camps, with the first being run over the October Half Term at St Bede’s in Ormskirk from the 25th to 27th October. A pre-Christmas Winter Developing Coaching program starts in mid-November and runs for six weeks up to Christmas on Saturday afternoons at St Bede’s. For younger children just starting the sport, as well as for girls wanting to start playing, a softball starter group will be held at Bishop Rawstorne School in Croston on a Friday evening.

For more information on the Academy, its programs, and its coaches please visit the Academy’s website where you will also be able to register your interest for any of the indoor courses being run by the Academy this winter.

To register your interest press the red ‘Bookings’ button above or visit our booking page.