Thank you for considering joining one of our Academy courses or camps. To ensure that we provide the service you expect from us in working with your child, please note below the Terms and Conditions under which we operate.

When making a booking with CWLCA you are confirming that you are content with our terms and conditions specified below and that you are acting as the parent and or legal guardian of the child you are booking a place on a CWLCA course or camp for.

In booking onto one of our courses you will be accepting our terms and conditions of service.

We will communicate with you via the email address you provide us with when making your booking to provide you with acceptance of you booking and any information and updates on the course as may be required.

CWLCA is not able to accept any responsibility or liability for any consequential damages of losses that may be incurred by the any of the participants or their associates for any reason whilst participating in activities being delivered by the CWLCA.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

If you are unable to attend a session for illness or injury, the CWLCA will not be able to provide you with a refund as the coaches and venues will have already been booked. CWLCA will however consider providing credit notes to be used in booking future courses in particular and exceptional circumstances. Certification of illness /injury by a GP may be required

If you have to cancel your booking for any reason, we will have the right to retain part of your payment as indicated below:

  • Up to 6 weeks prior to the course – 10% retention, 90% refund
  • 4 weeks prior to the course – 50% retention, 50% refund
  • 2 weeks prior to the course – 75% retention, 25% refund
  • Less than 2 weeks prior to the course – 90% retention, 10% refund

In the event that cancellations to any activities being run by CWLCA are caused by either adverse weather or venues not being available for whatever reason, alternative dates / venues will be offered wherever possible and pro-rata refunds offered for any sessions lost if alternative dates / venues are not possible.

CWLCA may have to amend a course or camp programme due to issues with a venue, poor weather or any other circumstance. Refunds or credit notes will be offered to those not able to participate in the re-scheduled programme.

Complaints Procedure

If a need arises for anyone attending a camp or course being run by the CWLCA wishes to make a complaint, they should do so by emailing the and they will be contacted immediately by a CWLCA Board Member responsible for such matters. Depending on the nature and severity of the complaint, action will either be taken to address the issue if possible, or in the case of a person making a more serious complaint, the Board Member will ask for the details of the complaint to be put in writing so it can be investigated and considered in more detail.

Payment Requirements

Following an offer of a place on any course or camp, payment by cheque or bank transfer in full must be received at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the course / camp. If payment is not made in a timely manner, CWLCA will reserve the right to offer the place to others.

Photography, Media and Image Rights

During courses / camps, CWLCA may make use of video footage as a coaching training aid and also take still photographs for use in publicising the programmes being run by CWLCA. Your agreement, unless you advise in writing otherwise, for CWLCA to use any general group images that may include your child that are taken on any course or camp, in any publicly accessible media, such as newspapers, magazines, TV and on websites or social media platforms but without their names being published. In the event that any specific images of your child, either named or unnamed are used, you further permission will be sort along with your agreement of the context in which the image will be used.

Safety and Medical Considerations

You must declare on your booking form all and any medical conditions that CWLCA need to be aware of in accepting your child onto one of our courses. We will only be able to give your child and medications such as inhalers and anti-biotics with your written agreement which you must include on the booking form

If an accident occurs to your child whilst attending one of our courses, or if he or she falls ill, we retain the right to call for immediate medical professionals to attend and look after your child without your prior agreement.
If such an event occurs, we will contact you on either of the two telephone numbers that you have given us on your booking form.

If you child suffers from any form of anaphylaxis, You must put this information on the booking form and arrange to meet with the lead coach running the camp / course and provide him / her with clear advice on what needs to be done, and any medication that has to be administered, in the event of an anaphylactic episode occurring.

Cricket can be a dangerous sport in which hard balls and bats are used and as a result there is a risk of injury to any child in attending any of the courses or camps run by the CWLCA. In agreeing for your child to participate you are recognising that this risk does exist. You accept that there is an inherent risk of injury in our cricket programme


Participant Conduct & Behaviour Standards

We expect all participants to behave in a manner that befits the Academy standards and values, therefore acting sensibly and responsibly at all times. Participants must follow the instructions given by Academy staff, especially those related to well-being and safety.  Any child behaving inappropriately, or who is deemed to be displaying behaviours related to bullying of others, or whose actions are seen to present a safety risk to any others attending the course, or whose behaviour is considered by the Coaches to be disruptive, will be removed from the session and parents/guardians will be contacted and asked to collect them immediately. It is the parental responsibility to adhere to this expectation. Future involvement and participation in the course / camp will be decided at the earliest opportunity.